A selection of political articles on Palestine and Israel
A selection of political articles on Palestine and Israel
گزیده مقالات سیاسی در باره فلسطین و اسرائیل
Genocide and the Cost of the Israel-Gaza War.
“Israel is Wiping herself Off The Map. Such a Country Cannot be Allowed to Exist”.
The PressTV Interview that did not take place
By Peter Koenig
Global Research, January 05, 2024
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Law and Justice
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
Video: Why Does the US Support Israel? Michael Hudson and Ben Norton
By Prof Michael Hudson and Ben Norton
Global Research, November 15, 2023
Geopolitical Economy Report 12 November 2023
Lawless in Gaza: Why Britain and the West Back Israel’s Crimes
By Jonathan Cook
Global Research, October 15, 2023
Declassified UK 13 October 2023
UK-US stance against ICC is scandalous
By Matin Jamshidi
May 24, 2024 - 22:5
Gaza: Extermination with White Phosphorous Gas
By Manlio Dinucci
Global Research, October 21, 2023
Pangea Grandangolo 14 October 2023
Video: “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves
Video Interview with Michel Chossudovsky
By Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 04, 2023
A Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran is Contemplated
The U.S. led War on the People of Palestine and the Middle East is a Criminal Undertaking
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 13, 2023
What the BBC Fails to Tell You About October 7
By Jonathan Cook
Global Research, November 04, 2023
Jonathan Cook Blog 2 November 2023
Historical Analysis (1897-Present): Crimes Committed against the People of Palestine. “Israel, State Sponsor of Terrorism”
By Richard Dunn
Global Research, November 04, 2023
CovertAction Magazine 23 October 2023
The Historical Roots of Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza
Israel is not “defending itself” against an external aggressor, but an imprisoned internal population.
By Aaron Mate
Global Research, October 18, 2023
Aaron Mate 15 October 2023
War profiteering: US arms industry giants rejoice as Israel rains bombs on Gaza
Press TV
Sunday, 05 November 2023
Solidarity with Ukraine, but Not Palestine? Welcome to the Great Hypocrisy
John Wight argues that the West’s inconsistent application of its laws and values when it comes to Israel is thrown into high relief by its response to the war in Ukraine
By John Wight
Global Research, October 09, 2023
Morning Star 9 June 2023
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Law and Justice
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
Israel-Palestine and the Acceleration of Eternal Wars. Israel’s “Long War… Working Towards Greater Israel”
By Peter Koenig
Global Research, October 09, 2023
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Intelligence, Law and Justice, Media Disinformation
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
It’s Past Time to be Honest About Israel
The deliberate corruption of American politics by an irresponsible foreign state must end
By Philip Giraldi
Global Research, July 25, 2023
Region: Middle East & North Africa, USA
Theme: Law and Justice
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective is “to Wipe Gaza off the Map”?
By Philip Giraldi
Global Research, October 08, 2023
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Intelligence
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, May 28, 2021
4 January 2009
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Intelligence
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
Netanyahu Shows Map of 'New Middle East'—Without Palestine—to UN General Assembly
"Netanyahu made clear with his little map today what normalization really seeks: eliminating Palestine... from the region and legitimizing greater Israel, all with the blessing of Arab regimes," one critic said.
Sep 22, 2023
Israel Conquers the World
Fealty to Israeli and Jewish interests is the new normal
By Philip Giraldi
Global Research, August 23, 2022
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Law and Justice
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
If Americans knew
What every American needs to know about Israel-Palestine
Whose Human Rights Matter?
NYT on Hezbollah and Israeli attacks on civilians
Pakistan and the Question of Recognizing Israel
By Aqib Sattar
Global Research, December 14, 2020
Region: Asia, Middle East & North Africa
Theme: History
Full texts or excerpts from selected articles:
Israel-Palestine and the Acceleration of Eternal
Wars. Israel’s “Long War… Working Towards
Greater Israel”
By Peter Koenig
Global Research, October 09, 2023
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Intelligence, Law and Justice,
Media Disinformation
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
In the early morning hours of Saturday, 7 October 2023, Hamas launched —like never
before— a surprise military attack on Israel, called Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. Hamas is the
Islamist political and military branch that rules Palestine.
Israel immediately retaliated, as they usually do. Though, in most cases, the Israeli Defense
Forces (IDF) are the initiators of Israeli-Palestinian hostilities. Indeed, it is usually the IDF
launching intimidating provocations, waiting for the Palestinian response and then the IDF
attacks Palestine, mostly the Gaza strip, “full power” – no regard for whom they are killing,
children, women, no matter, no remorse. Ever.
This time seems to be different. According to mainstream media and most non-mainstream
media, this was the first time, Hamas surprised the Israeli army and security forces, the
Israeli Mossad, so to speak, with a massive attack out of nowhere, with tanks and missiles,
deep into Israel, causing severe damage – and as of the time of this writing – Hamas
aggressions have caused hundreds of deaths – maybe thousands? — on each side and
thousands of inured.
Really, a surprise?
Normally, after a devastating Israeli counterattack – or often the primary assault – the fight
is over. For a while.
Will this time the Lebanon-based Hezbollah also get involved in the conflict in favor of
Palestine? Washington has already sent out their warnings to third parties, singling out
Hezbollah.| 2
Reporters from most media are astonished at these developments. Nevertheless, most of
them report without questioning.
“Israel is ‘at war’ as Hamas launches a major surprise attack, with hundreds of rockets
from the Gaza strip hitting deep into Israel. Dozens of armed Palestine fighters crossed
the heavily protected border into Israel. In the meantime, thousands of bombs are
raining down of Gaza – a land strip of a mere 45 square km, a massively overpopulated
open-air prison, the largest in the world, with 2 million inhabitants.”
“A coordinated and unexpected attack, a breach in Israel’s national security. An
astonishing new image that turns this decade-old image around”, so says Channel 4
News. See video below.
Syriana Analysis comes to similar conclusions – a “surprise attack” on Israel, like never
Here the analyst adds his strong suspicion that Hamas was and is being helped by Iran. But
do we really know? He leaves many questions open, but also refers to a landmark,
unexpected assault on Israel by Hamas the first in decades. See video below.
Aljazeera reasons likewise. Hamas caught Israel and her all-so powerful IDF off-guard. How
come? See video below.
In the meantime, on the same day of Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, Israeli PM Benjamin
Netanyahu, declared war on Palestine – apparently totally ignoring that the war has already
been going on for the last 70 years, ever and gradually increasing on severity and intensity.
Netanyahu also gave “green light” to IDF to shoot Palestinians point blank – as if this was
different from what the IDF has been doing before.
Also, remarkably, Netanyahu said that this was going to be a long war. Again, ignoring that
Israel has been at war with Palestine almost from day one of Israel’s creation. The only
difference maybe that now the war was officially declared. Before, it was a war of attrition –
slow destruction of Palestine’s resistance and moral.
A war of oppression and murder – a war against 2 million people held in the world’s largest
open-air prison, called Gaza, from where nobody could escape.
The world was silent, watched, no protests directed at Israel. On the contrary, the Occident,
the so-called West, was and still is taking strong side for Israel – which is now actively
“working” towards a “Greater Israel,” establishing boundaries with largesse for the “Chosen
Will We, the People of the world, let them be the Chosen People?
Now, as Israel is made to believe being seriously attacked, the hypocrites of this globe,
mostly Western nations, call for mediation. The same losers who also called for mediation in
the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Egypt and the European Union have “offered” their good offices
as “peace makers.”| 3
Ridiculous. Why didn’t they come forward in the past 70 years?
The UN Security Council (UNSC) has also condemned Hamas, though, apparently not all
UNSC members have voted in favor of Israel.
Maybe because they have zero interest in peace. Maybe their interest is in seeing the world
being aflame with conflicts of all sorts, killing between warrying countries and parties,
arguing about, and keeping up weather geoengineering as “climate change” – launching
new plandemics to justify new coerced vax campaigns, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, and
much more, while the world and humanity is being laid open for full digitization and
universal QR code control.
A bloody agenda within the UN Agenda 2030 cum Great Reset – and the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, Klaus Schwab’s – CEO of WEF – dream for the future of humanity. Enslavement
by digitization.
Looks like this Israeli-Palestine battle is the final straw of a fight towards a new eternal war –
à la Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq – and you name them. One more,
along with other raging wars around the world. One bloody combat more disturbing the
world’s equilibrium, creating more confusion, instability, poverty, misery, death – and fear.
FEAR, the weapon of choice.
And all is effectively contributing towards the cabal’s ultimate goals – massive reduction of
world population, and a gigantic transfer of assets and resources from the bottom and the
center to the top and control over the world’s natural resources.
Now, anybody who believes that this Hamas Al-Aqsa assault on Israel was a surprise, totally
unexpected for Israel, may be a fool, or has not yet understood how the dots connect and
who pulls the strings.
Imagine, Israel, with a national security apparatus as powerful or even more commanding
than the CIA, and all the UK and US security forces together, has – oh wonder – not had any
previous knowledge of this Hamas attack? Hard to believe, isn’t it?
So, would such prior knowledge – and the current escalation of the conflict – point to a
planned war? Another endless war – sacrificing eventually thousands and thousands of lives
on both sides the sake of the “Agenda”?
What else is new? Just that this conflict has an agenda of its own, creating Greater Israel – a
huge enclave in the northern Middle East for the Chosen People.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and
the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world.
He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for
online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War,
Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book| 4
“When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic
Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a
non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.
Featured image is from PressTV
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2023
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective is “to Wipe Gaza off the Map”?
By Philip Giraldi
Global Research, October 08, 2023
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Crimes against Humanity, Intelligence
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.” led by Hamas’ Military Chief Mohammed Deif. On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War”.
Israel has now officially declared war on Palestine.
Military operations are invariably planned well in advance. Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “Surprise attack”? Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack?
U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack.
Was a carefully formulated Plan to Wage an all-out war against Palestine envisaged prior to the launching of “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.” ?
We bring to attention of our readers the incisive analysis of Dr. Philip Giraldi pointing to the likelihood of a “False Flag’”.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 8, 2023
Read below the incisive analysis by Dr. Philip Giraldi
Am I the only one who read about a speech given by Netanyahu or someone in his cabinet about a week ago in which he/they in passing referred to a “developing security situation” which rather suggests (to me) that they might have known about developments in Gaza and chose to let it happen so they can wipe Gaza off the map in retaliation and, possibly relying on the US pledge to have Israel’s “back,” then implicating Iran and attacking that country.
I cannot find a link to it, but have a fairly strong recollection of what I read as I thought at the time it would serve as a pretext for another massacre of Palestinians.
As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.
In other words, the whole thing might be a tissue of lies as is often the case.
And as is also ALWAYS the case Joe Biden is preparing to send some billions of dollars to poor little Israel to pay for “defending” itself.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks| 3 a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its
email is inform@cnionline.org.
He is a regular contributor to Global Research
Israel Conquers the World
Fealty to Israeli and Jewish interests is the new normal
By Philip Giraldi
Global Research, August 23, 2022
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Law and Justice
In-depth Report: PALESTINE
I have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and take-noprisoners fashion.
He has lately been brave enough to compare and contrast what the Russian military has been accused of in Ukraine with what Israel has been doing to Gaza.
He has done so by asking a series of questions that together demonstrate the hypocrisy of Washington and of some Europeans over what constitutes war crimes or crimes against humanity.
The questions were:
“First, are there any sanctions against Israel for the murder and destruction of innocent Palestinian women and children?
Second, are there any sanctions against the United States for killing and destroying lives of innocent women and children in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, and even stealing their diamonds and gold?
And third, were there any sanctions against the US and France over the killing of Muammar Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya?”
Russia, of course, has been on the receiving end of sanctions and boycotts and even official theft of the money that it had in US and European banks. It has also had to deal as well with military support provided by NATO to the Volodymyr Zelensky regime in Ukraine. Last month the US Senate unanimously passed a ridiculous nonbinding resolution declaring Russia to be a “state sponsor of terrorism,” which, if endorsed by the White House, would inevitably lead to still more sanctions and increasing aid to Zelensky and his corrupt cronies
in an openly declared attempt to weaken Russia and bring down Putin. It would also mean that a future functional diplomatic relationship between Moscow and Washington would become impossible. Implicit in Putin’s questions is the clear accusation that there is a double standard on what constitutes national security.
The West supports military resistance by Ukraine against Russia but does not support the right of the Palestinians to defend themselves when attacked by Israel, as took place on August 5th, an unprovoked attack that killed inter alia 17 Palestinian children.
The Russian Foreign Ministry followed-up with a statement first posted on its Egyptian Embassy social media accounts. The statement included a screenshot of a tweet Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid posted April 3rd on the claimed killing of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, attributed by Lapid and the western media to Russian forces. Lapid declared “It is impossible to remain indifferent in the face of the horrific images from the city of Bucha near Kiev, from after the Russian army left. Intentionally harming a civilian population is a war crime and I strongly condemn it.” The Russian post observed how one might “Compare Yair Lapid’s lies about [Ukraine] in April and attempts to place blame and
responsibility on [Russia] for the deaths of people in Bucha brutally murdered by the Nazis with his calls in August for bombing and strikes on [Palestinian] land in the Gaza Strip. Isn’t that a double standard, complete disregard and contempt for the lives of Palestinians?”
The point about a double standard is particularly relevant as Ukraine, which claims to be enduring a brutal Russian assault replete with war crimes, has openly endorsed Israel’s bombing and shooting of the unarmed Palestinians. Two weeks ago, Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk expressed his full support for Tel Aviv, saying “As a Ukrainian whose country is under a very brutal attack by its neighbor, I feel great sympathy towards the Israeli public. Attacks on women and children are reprehensible. Terrorism and malicious attacks against civilians are the daily reality of Israelis and Ukrainians and this appalling threat must be stopped immediately.”
Korniychuk’s odd, and manifestly false, comment takes reality and turns it upside down. But nevertheless, to be sure, Israel’s recent bloody assault on Gaza did not earn it much favor from a global audience that has become tired of the Jewish state’s belligerency and selfserving flood of disinformation. A number of human rights organizations and even some churches responded by declaring Israel to be an “apartheid state.” Some critics of the Israelis have also been pleased to observe that ordinary voters in the US Democratic Party in particular have moved away from knee-jerk support of Israel and have accepted that it is
racist and undemocratic. Even a considerable number young Jews, many of whom have protested against the Israeli automatic resort to gunfire and bombs in suppressing the Palestinians, have broken with their parents over the issue of what constitutes the legitimate “right” of Israel to “defend itself.”
Israel is far from defeated, however, and it has struck back in the time-honored fashion, using the Jewish diaspora and its vast wealth to buy up or leverage the media, to corrupt politicians at all levels, and to propagate a narrative that always depicts Jews sympathetically as perpetual victims. That narrative relies on the so-called holocaust and the slogan “never again” to generate the moral authority and outrage that makes the entire otherwise unsustainable imposture work.
What might be plausibly described as an International Jewish Conspiracy directed from the Israeli government’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs and from the think tanks, banks and investment houses on Wall Street and K Street is working hard to make it illegal to criticize Israel and is enjoying considerable success. Israel’s recent and continuing slaughter of Gazans and West Bank villagers has not induced the thoroughly controlled governments and media outlets that the Jewish state dominates that there is anything seriously wrong going on between the Israelis and Palestinians, only business as usual.
Israel appears to be winning its war against the Palestinians (and let’s not forget the Iranians) where it matters most, among the power brokers in both the US and elsewhere.
Witness for example the reaction of the US government to the killing of the Gazans. President Joe Biden declared that Israel has a “right to defend itself,” the standard line also parroted by Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Thirty-four congressmen meanwhile signed on to a letter calling on the United Nations to disband a UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) into Israel following recent controversial remarks by one of the commission’s members. The COI was set up to investigate possible Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied territories and Gaza.
The signatories particularly objected to what the always vigilant Anti-Defamation League has described as anti-Semitic statements by COI member Miloon Kothari, an Indian human rights expert and investigator. In a podcast Kothari observed that Israel routinely “practiced apartheid and settler colonialism against the Palestinians,” before rejecting criticism of his commission as the work of the Jewish lobby that controls the media, saying “We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by the Jewish lobby or specific
NGOs,” adding that “a lot of money is being thrown at trying to discredit the commission’s work.”
Jewish power particularly in the anglophone world was also on display recently in Canada. The painfully politically correct Justin Trudeau regime has succumbed to the example set by Germany and several other European states in enshrining the official Jewish organizations’ perpetual victim narrative in the Canadian Criminal Code, s. 319. Henceforth
(2.1) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation,
willfully promotes antisemitism by condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding two years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
So, from now on in Canada, if you question the claimed facts surrounding the approved socalled holocaust narrative you can be sent to prison for two years. So much for free speech or the right to challenge disinformation.
Finally, in Britain, the two contenders for the position of Prime Minister replacing the disgraced Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, and Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, were boasting of their pro-Israel credentials over the very weekend when Israel was killing more than fifty Palestinians, including 17 children, while wounding scores more. Truss and Sunak played the Israel/Jewish card big time, with Truss asserting that “The UK should stand side by side with Israel, now and well into the future. As Prime Minister, I would be at the forefront of this mission.” Truss has also hinted that she would follow the Zionist stooge
Donald Trump’s lead in moving the British Embassy to Jerusalem and she has supported a Free Trade Agreement between the UK and Israel, which would primarily benefit the Israelis.
She has also declared that any criticism of Israel is rooted in anti-Semitism, a popular line that is also being extensively promoted in the United States.
The two dominant parties in the UK’s parliamentary system are the Conservatives (Tories) and Labour. Both parties have organized “Friends of Israel” groups that have as members a majority of parliamentarians, including more than four out of every five Tories, who currently form the government. Recently, the Labour Party ousted leader Jeremy Corbyn because he dared to express sympathy for the Palestinians and replaced him with Keir Starmer, who is as close to Israel and the powerful British Jewish community as, well… choose your metaphor. For what it’s worth, Truss, Sunak and Starmer all support a hard line against Russia in Ukraine and also advocate putting extreme pressure on Iran, Israel’s declared regional enemy. They also all support using the British veto in the United Nations
to protect the Jewish state against critics.
In 2001, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon angrily admonished his colleague Shimon Peres, who was arguing that Israel should heed US calls for a cease fire, saying “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” It now appears that the US, Canada, and Great Britain, joined by other anglophone states like Australia and New Zealand, are riding on the same horse when it comes to sacrificing actual national interests to pander to a foreign
nation which can rightly be regarded as both a habitual war criminal and manifestly racist.
The British and Canadian politicians on both sides of the aisle have now become like their American counterparts in allowing themselves to be corrupted by money and media influence, making an uncritical and near total commitment to Israel the defining issue in any political campaign for high office.
Modern Jewish power as a global phenomenon is a cancer that was in a certain sense made in America and has spread worldwide. But, fortunately, the smearing of critics as antiSemites is beginning to wear thin[!]. As Chris Hedges observed in March 2019 “The Israel Lobby’s buying off of nearly every senior politician in the United States, facilitated by our system of legalized bribery, is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. The lobby’s campaign of vicious character assassination, smearing and blacklisting against those who defend Palestinian rights…is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact. Twenty-four state governments’ passage of Israel Lobby-backed legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under
threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is not an anti-Semitic trope. It is a fact.”
It should also be a fact that Americans are beginning to rally against their government being manipulated by the unregistered insidious agents of a foreign government, but that will have to wait presumably. For the moment, Israel and its fifth column have key elements in both government and in the public space in their iron grip. It might require something like a revolution to loosen that.
This article was originally published on The Unz Review.
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a
501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is
councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from TUR
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Philip Giraldi, Global Research, 2022
From hubris to humiliation: The 10 hours that shocked Israel
The Palestinian blitzkrieg is a military failure and a political catastrophe for Israel of colossal proportions.
By Marwan Bishara
Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera.
Published On 7 Oct 2023
A few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a boastful speech at the United Nations, announcing the establishment of a new Middle East centred around Israel and its new Arab partners, the Palestinians, whom he totally omitted from his fantasy regional map, dealt him and Israel a fatal blow, politically and strategically.
The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched a meticulously planned, well-executed lightning incursion from Gaza into Israel, by air, sea and land. In tandem with thousands of missiles fired towards Israeli targets, hundreds of Palestinian fighters attacked Israeli military and civilian areas in the southern part of the country, which led to the killing of at least 100 Israelis and the capture of dozens of Israeli soldiers and civilians as hostages.
Hamas’s objectives in the operation are no secret: First, retaliate and punish Israel for its occupation, oppression, illegal settlement, and desecration of Palestinian religious symbols, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem; second, take aim at Arab normalisation with Israel that embraces its apartheid regime in the region; and lastly, secure another prisoner exchange in order to get as many Palestinian political prisoners released from Israeli jails as possible.
It is worth recalling that Hamas’s leader in the Gaza Strip, Yahya al-Sinwar, who spent more than two decades in Israeli prison, was released in a prisoner exchange. Mohammed Deif, the head of Hamas military arm, like many other Palestinians, lost loved ones to Israeli violence – an infant son, a three-year-old daughter and his wife. Therefore, there is also a clearly a punitive and vengeful aspect to the operation.
In that sense, the attack may have been incredibly shocking, but it was hardly surprising.
Hubris has finally caught up with Israel and its arrogant leaders, who long thought themselves invincible and repeatedly underestimated their enemies. Since the “surprise” Arab attack of October 1973, successive Israeli leaders have been shocked and awed, again and again, by what the people they oppressed have been capable of.
They were caught unprepared by the Lebanese resistance after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, by the Palestinian Intifadas in the 1980s and the 2000s, and by the Palestinian resistance after more than five decades of Israeli occupation and four successive wars on Gaza.
Clearly, the Israeli military and civilian leadership also did not expect Hamas’s massive operation, its success representing a major Israeli intelligence and military failure. Despite Israel’s sophisticated network of spies, drones, and surveillance technology, it could not detect and preempt the attack.
But the damage done to Israel goes beyond the intelligence and military flop; it is also a political and psychological catastrophe. The invincible state has shown itself vulnerable, weak, and terribly impotent, which will not go down well for its plans to be a regional leader of a new Middle East.
Images of Israelis fleeing their homes and towns in fear will be ingrained in their collective memory for many years to come. Today was probably the worst day in Israel’s history. An utter humiliation.
Netanyahu, the spin doctor, will not be able to change that regardless of how he spins it. Israel will not get a chance to undo what the world saw on Saturday morning: a frantic country lost to its own fantastical delusions.
Israel’s military establishment will no doubt try to recover the strategic and military initiative from Hamas by immediately dealing it a major military blow. As it has done in the past, it will undertake severe bombardment and assassination campaigns, leading to great suffering and countless casualties among the Palestinians. And as it has happened in the past again and again, this will not destroy the Palestinian resistance.
That is why, Israel may consider redeploying its military to Palestinian cities, towns and refugee camps across the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under the pretext of finishing off Hamas and other Palestinian factions.
Such a full takeover is the historic wish of the more fanatic members of Israel’s ruling coalition, who want to destroy the Palestinian Authority, take direct control of the entirety of historical Palestine or what they call “The Greater Land of Israel”, and carry out ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.
That would be a big mistake. It would lead to a full-fledged asymmetrical war, and in the process, isolate Israel like never before. Even Western leaders, which have thus far supported Netanyahu, expressing more of the same transparently hypocritical solidarity with Israeli apartheid, may begin to distance themselves from the Israeli government.
Already, Israel’s scandalous humiliation is undermining its strategic and political standing in the region. Arab regimes that normalised relations with Israel and are partnering with the Netanyahu government appear more foolish with every passing hour.
Desperate to reverse his personal failure and maintain his fragile coalition, Netanyahu is sure to overreact, and in the process will alienate more of his new and potential regional partners.
Whichever way this goes, Netanyahu’s legacy will be marred by failure. He may well take his Palestinian counterpart, the octogenarian Mahmoud Abbas, along with him down the drain of history.
Abbas, too, is failing politically, trying to toe the line between condemning the Israeli occupation and coordinating security with it. Such a balancing act is no longer tenable.
But the change that is coming is about more than personalities; it is about the two peoples as a whole, and whether they want to live in peace or die fighting. The time and space for anything in between have passed.
The Palestinians have made it clear today that they would rather fight on their feet for justice and freedom than die on their knees in humiliation. It is high time the Israelis heed the lessons of history.
Marwan Bishara
Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera.
Marwan Bishara is an author who writes extensively on global politics and is widely regarded as a leading authority on US foreign policy, the Middle East and international strategic affairs. He was previously a professor of International Relations at the American University of Paris.
Netanyahu Shows Map of 'New Middle East'—Without Palestine—to UN General Assembly
"Netanyahu made clear with his little map today what normalization really seeks: eliminating Palestine... from the region and legitimizing greater Israel, all with the blessing of Arab regimes," one critic said.
Sep 22, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu angered Palestinians and their defenders Friday after presenting a map of "The New Middle East" without Palestine during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Speaking to a largely empty chamber, Netanyahu—whose far-right government is widely considered the most extreme in Israeli history—showed a series of maps, including one that did not show the West Bank, East Jerusalem, or Gaza. These Palestinian territories have been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967, with the exception of Gaza—from which Israeli forces withdrew in 2005, while maintaining an economic stranglehold over the densely populated coastal strip.
Middle East Eye reported Netanyahu also held up a map of "Israel in 1948"—the year the modern Jewish state was established, largely through the ethnic cleansing of more than 750,000 Arabs—that erroneously included the Palestinian territories as part of Israel.
Palestinian Ambassador to Germany Laith Arafeh said on social media that there is "no greater insult to every foundational principle of the United Nations than seeing Netanyahu display before the UNGA a 'map of Israel' that straddles the entire land from the river to the sea, negating Palestine and its people, then attempting to spin the audience with rhetoric about 'peace' in the region, all the while entrenching the longest ongoing belligerent occupation in today's world."
As Middle East Eye noted:
The inclusion of Palestinian lands (and sometimes land belonging to Syria and Lebanon) in Israeli maps is common among believers of the concept of Eretz Yisrael—Greater Israel—a key part of ultra-nationalist Zionism that claims all of these lands belong to a Zionist state.
Earlier this year, Netanyahu's finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, spoke from a podium adorned with a map that also included Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria as part of Greater Israel. In the same event, he said there was "no such thing as Palestinians."
The use of such maps by Israeli officials comes at a time when Netanyahu's ultra-nationalist government has taken steps that experts say amount to the "de jure annexation" of the occupied West Bank.
Netanyahu used the maps in an attempt to illustrate the increasing number of Arab countries normalizing relations with Israel under the Abraham Accords brokered by the administration of former U.S. President Donald Trump.
"There's no question the Abraham Accords heralded the dawn of a new age of peace," the Israeli prime minister said. "But I believe that we are at the cusp of an even more dramatic breakthrough, an historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will truly create a new Middle East."
Critics have countered that peace between apartheid Israel and Arab dictatorships has come at the cost of advancing Palestinian rights. In the case of Morocco, the United States recognized the North African nation's illegal annexation and brutal occupation of Western Sahara in exchange for normalization with Israel.
Netanyahu's props on Friday reminded numerous observers of the time during his 2012 General Assembly speech when he used a cartoon drawing of a bomb to illustrate Iran's progress on advancing a nuclear weapons program that both U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies said did not exist.