اندیشه ها و نکاتی برای ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

هدف از ایجاد این وبلاگ نشر راهکار ها و اندیشه هایی است برای افزایش آگاهی و بصیرت سیاسی و ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

اندیشه ها و نکاتی برای ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

هدف از ایجاد این وبلاگ نشر راهکار ها و اندیشه هایی است برای افزایش آگاهی و بصیرت سیاسی و ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «mind control» ثبت شده است

گزیده مقالات سیاسی در رسانه های انگلیسی زبان خارجی

اکبر فیجانی | جمعه, ۱۹ اسفند ۱۴۰۱، ۰۷:۳۴ ق.ظ


politics: selected materials 


گزیده مقالات سیاسی در رسانه های انگلیسی زبان خارجی


بنام خدا


در این پست هر از مدتی دو یا سه مطلب از رسانه های خارجی نمایش داده می شود و بعد از چند روز به ترتیب حذف شده و مطلبی دیگر جایگزین می گردد.


برای مشاهده لیست گزیده منابع، به پایان همین پست مراجعه کنید.


برای مشاهده مطالب بیشتر به وبلاگ دیگر اینجانب در  بلاگفا  مراجعه کنید



توجه: انتخاب و انتشار مطالب صرفا جهت اطلاع رسانی می باشد و بمعنی موافقت با تمام گزاره ها و پیام های صریح یا غیرمستقیم آنها نمی باشد.

اکبر فیجانی












Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways

Genocide is on The Drawing Board of the Pentagon. The Zionist Lobby is firmly

aligned with U.S. Foreign Policy

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, April 07, 2024





Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran

Chapter III of "The Globalization of War"

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, March 10, 2024




Video: Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard Have the Ability of “Buying Up” Entire Countries
Patrick Bet-David Deconstructs BlackRock's Influence and ESG Ratings
Patrick Bet-David and Joe Rogan
Global Research, August 04, 2023
The Joe Rogan Experience 4 August 2023
Region: USA
Theme: Global Economy


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As outlined by Patrick Bet-David in this incisive interview:
“The largest shareholder of 88% of the companies on S&P 500 is either State Street, Vanguard or BlackRock.
And you can see their influence in defense contracts.“
Three Portfolio Financial Giants are in a position to take control of the real economy of entire countries.


Watch Patrick Bet-David in conversation with Joe Rogan in the video below.

This world economic tyranny is:
“led by a group of super-wealthy oligarch, multi-billionaires … These oligarchs are
accompanied by some super-giant financial institutions, like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity and more which control an estimated 25 trillion dollars-equivalent in assets, giving them a leverage power of well-over a 100 trillion dollars, as compared to the world’s GDP of some 90 trillion dollars. In other words, they can manipulate, control and pressure every government on Mother Earth to do their bidding. (Peter Koenig)


“BlackRock, headed by Larry Fink, has thousands of companies from all sectors in its portfolio. The capital it manages has grown in the last ten years from 3,500 to 9,500 billion dollars (more than 5 times the GDP of Italy) and is increasing further. In this way, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street have a decision-making voice in the boards of directors of the major multinationals and banks, including central banks. The “Big Three” also control Standard & Poor Global, the rating agency that monitors the world’s economies, failing or promoting them” (Manlio Dinucci)

The Privatization of Ukraine by BlackRock
“In recent developments. BlackRock together with JPMorgan “have come to the rescue of Ukraine”. Their objective is to “buy out” an entire country.
The stated objective is “to attract billions of dollars in private investment to assist
rebuilding projects in a war-torn country”. (
FT, June 19, 2023)
The Kiev Neo-Nazi regime is a partner in this endeavour. War is Good for Business. The greater the destruction, the greater the stranglehold on Ukraine by “private investors”:
The Privatization of Ukraine was launched in November 2022 in liaison with BlackRock’s consulting company McKinsey, a public relations firm which has largely been responsible for co-opting corrupt politicians and officials Worldwide not to mention scientists and intellectuals on behalf of powerful financial interests.
BlackRock and Ukraine’s Ministry of Economy signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2023.
In late December 2022, president Zelensky and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink agreed on a so-called “investment strategy”. (Michel Chossudovsky)

The original source of this article is The Joe Rogan Experience
Copyright © Patrick Bet-David and Joe Rogan, The Joe Rogan Experience, 2023
Articles by: Patrick Bet-David and Joe Rogan







Kissinger Explains How to Avoid a Third World War

By Marc Vandepitte

Global Research, June 02, 2023

Theme: Intelligence



Kissinger is one of the most important voices in U.S. foreign policy. He is a hardliner and undoubtedly a war criminal. He was directly involved in the 1973 coup d’état in Chile and also in the brutal Vietnam War. Therefore, he is anything but a pacifist, on the contrary. Yet, on key geostrategic issues such as China and Ukraine, he is on a different wavelength than the current warmongers within the U.S. elite. It is useful to consider the arguments of this important dissenting voice within the establishment.


Towards a confrontation between the US and China?

On the occasion of his centenary, Kissinger gave an extensive interview to The Economist. In it, he expressed his deep concern about the current world situation, and more specifically the possible confrontation between the two current superpowers: the US and China. Kissinger thinks “Both sides have convinced themselves that the other represents a strategic danger”.


Beijing has come to the conclusion that the US will do anything to keep China down and will never treat it as an equal. In Washington, in turn, there is a belief that China wants to supplant the US as world leader. Kissinger is particularly alarmed by the increasing competition between the two superpowers to gain technological and economic superiority. He fears that this rivalry will be further fuelled by artificial intelligence.


He notes how power relations and the technological basis of warfare are evolving very rapidly. As a result, there is no longer any fixed principle on the basis of which countries can create order. And if they do not find that order, they may resort to violence.


According to Kissinger “we’re in the classic pre-world War One situation where neither side has much margin of political concession and in which any disturbance of the equilibrium can lead to catastrophic consequences.” The difference with then and now is that in a current conflict, we will find ourselves in a situation of “mutually assured destruction”.


The fate of humanity depends on the US and China getting along. And there is not much time. Given the rapid advancement of AI and its potential military applications, he says we only have five to 10 years to find a way of coming to terms with each other.



Definitely not an uplifting thought. But Kissinger is no doomsayer. The fear of war gives reason for hope. He thinks it is still possible for China and the United States to coexist without the threat of all-out war with each other, albeit that success is not guaranteed.


His rich experience tells him that determined diplomacy is the only way to avoid ruinous conflict. Ideally, this is done on the basis of shared values. He is convinced that a world order can be created based on rules that Europe, China and India could endorse. Negotiations between the two superpowers can help build mutual trust. That trust will then lead to restraint on both sides.


Read more: The One Chart that Explains Everything. Containing China. “Humanity Embroiled in a Third World War”


So negotiating rather than going to extremes in a showdown, because “if you then rely entirely on what you can achieve through power, you’re likely to destroy the world”.


A correct understanding of China

Kissinger warns against misinterpreting China’s ambitions. According to him, the Asian giant is “not heading for world domination in a Hitlerian sense. That is not how they think or have ever thought of world order.” War was inevitable for Nazi Germany because Adolf Hitler needed it, but that is not the case with China.


He views the Chinese system as Confucian, meaning the leaders do not seek domination but seek to achieve the maximum power their country is capable of. They also seek respect for their achievements.


Kissinger thinks the all-or-nothing attitude of the US towards China is dangerous. If the US wants to find a way to live with China, it should not seek regime change.


A collapse of the communist regime would lead to civil war for 1.4 billion people and only increase global instability. “It’s not in our interest to drive China to dissolution,” Kissinger says.


Taiwan and AI

Kissinger perceives two areas where the US and China can negotiate to promote global stability: Taiwan and artificial intelligence.


First, Taiwan. Kissinger was the architect of the rapprochement between the US and China in the 1970s. On the agenda of those talks, Taiwan was one of the important topics. Mao Zedong, China’s then number one, had indicated the necessity of leaving the issue alone for 100 years. The US recognised that Taiwan was formally part of China while Beijing would make no attempts to annex the island by force.


According to Kissinger, Trump blew up this understanding that had been forged between Nixon and Mao after only 50 years. With his incitement over Taiwan, Trump wanted to elicit trade concessions from China. Biden continues the incitement with more civilised rhetoric.


Kissinger thinks the US incitement over Taiwan is unwise because a war like today’s war in Ukraine would destroy the island and devastate the global economy.


The second area where the two superpowers need to talk to each other is artificial intelligence. “We are at the very beginning of a capability where machines could impose global pestilence or other pandemics, not just nuclear but any field of human destruction.”


Kissinger thinks AI will become a major factor in security within five years. Just as the printing press played a role in causing the devastating wars of the 16th and 17th centuries, AI will have the potential to cause great havoc.


To reduce the threat of nuclear weapons, the SU and the US negotiated to control arsenals. Something similar will be needed over AI: “I think we have to begin exchanges on the impact of technology on each other. We have to take baby steps towards arms control, in which each side presents the other with controllable material about capabilities.”



In Kissinger’s eyes the Russian invasion of Ukraine was “a catastrophic mistake of judgment by Putin”. But the West is also to blame: “I thought that the decision to leave open the membership of Ukraine in NATO was very wrong.” That was destabilising. There was a promise of NATO protection but no plan to realise it. Ukraine was therefore vulnerable while Russia had been infuriated.


Kissinger feels inclined to support China’s peace proposal. While this plan is not taken seriously in the West, Kissinger sees in it a serious intention that may complicate diplomacy around the war, but could also provide exactly the opportunity to build mutual trust between the major powers.


According to Kissinger, the Chinese are serious because they have every interest in Russia coming out of the war unscathed. He also believes that after the phone call between Xi and Zelensky, China does act as a mediator between Russia and Ukraine.


Advantages of the plan are China’s recognition that Ukraine should remain an independent country and its warning against using nuclear weapons. It is not even out of the question that Beijing would accept Ukraine joining NATO.


Kissinger wants to end the war quickly. To achieve lasting peace in Europe, in his view, the West must make two leaps of the imagination.


First, Ukraine must join NATO. This is to protect the country but also to keep it in check. He considers the current situation as dangerous: “We have now armed Ukraine to a point where it will be the best-armed country and with the least strategically experienced leadership in Europe.”


Secondly, Europe must seek a rapprochement to Russia and let it relate in order to create a stable eastern border. There must be a new security structure in central and eastern Europe in which Russia should also find a place.”


The media and politics

Kissinger does not have a good word for the media and the political world. He rates the judgement of the media low; they also have no sense of proportion.


When he was in office, the press was hostile to him, but there was dialogue despite this. Today, they have no incentive to be critical. “My theme is the need for balance and moderation”.


But it is especially in politics that things are going badly wrong today. When he was in office, there were friendly ties with leaders of the other party. The political opponent was treated decently. Today, all means are acceptable to floor the political opponent.


Trump and Biden have greatly fuelled polarisation. Kissinger fears this could lead to violence. The US lacks leadership: “I don’t think Biden can supply the inspiration and (…) I’m hoping that Republicans can come up with somebody better. It’s not a great moment in history.”


The US urgently needs long-term strategic thinking: “That’s our big challenge which we must solve. If we don’t, the predictions of failure will be proved true.”



Marc Vandepitte is a Belgian economist and philosopher. He writes on North-South relations, Latin America, Cuba, and China. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Marc Vandepitte, Global Research, 2023










The Main Form of Media Deception: Censorship by Omission

This is the second of two posts about the media. The first part is entitled ‘How the Media Distort Reality – Filtering Out the Important Stuff’

By Rod Driver

Global Research, January 12, 2021

Region: USA

Theme: Media Disinformation



“We don’t understand how your government gets the media to repeat propaganda without question. In our country we have to tear finger nails out to get this level of co-operation.”(1) (Russian journalists visiting America during the cold war)


Censorship By Omission – The Things That Are Not Discussed Are The Most Important 

“Great is truth, but even greater from a practical point of view is silence about truth (Aldous Huxley(2))

We can see the outcome of the filtering system discussed in the previous post by looking at coverage of politics overseas. Tyrants in other countries commit serious atrocities, but provided they continue to implement economic policies that the US and Britain like, they receive little criticism. Our politicians regularly criticise governments they want to replace, and the media repeat these criticisms with little challenge. A recent example of this is when the media says that ‘life is terrible in Venezuela, we must do something’, meaning that the US and British governments want to overthrow the government of Venezuela.(3) The mainstream coverage is dumbed-down and superficial. It is based upon unstated assumptions which, if examined, turn out to be untrue. What is missing is context, history, and critical thinking, such as(4)

a) The historical role of wealthy elites, backed by the US, plundering Venezuela’s resources and maintaining inequality and poverty

b) The positive achievements of recent left-wing governments in Venezuela improving living standards for the poor

c) The serious problems caused by US sanctions on Venezuela

d) The track record of murder and torture by right-wing dictators put in place by the US throughout South and Central America

e) A wider discussion of US and British imperialism, their records of violence in the pursuit of control and profits, and the evidence that they have never carried out humanitarian intervention.


More generally, there is no exploration of complex issues, no critical analysis of the true role of our military, no serious critique of the corporate system, and no questioning of the incorrect assumption that our governments and corporations are benign or benevolent. What should be the most important issues in society today are virtually unmentionable in the mainstream press.

This failure to discuss most of the important issues, and the discussion of other topics in a narrow way, is known as censorship-by-omission. It is the main method for keeping us poorly informed. It applies most obviously to coverage of war, which is so sanitised that US and British viewers rarely get to see the true results of our wars.(5) What they see is government propaganda videos of laser-guided bombs hitting their targets. When a single American or British soldier dies, this is worthy of a news report, usually saying how brave they were. There is no mention of the fact that they are trained killers who are dead because they have illegally invaded and occupied someone else’s country, and helped to slaughter huge numbers of innocent people.

The true scale of death and injury, of Iraqis and Afghans, killed by our troops in our wars is not discussed by the mainstream media. If everyone saw the mutilated corpses and horrific injuries of civilians every day, populations would be less likely to believe the lies that create a false justification for war. By not examining the consequences of war in much greater detail, most of the media end up creating the illusion that war is like a video game where our ‘good’ guys fight against someone else’s ‘bad’ guys, and that we should celebrate every time ‘bad’ guys get killed. As critics of the mainstream media have noted, journalists who reinforce the belief that the “world is made up of humanitarian interventionists (us) and monster states (them) are vital cogs in the machinery of state killing”.(6)


The Illusion of Critical Media 

The aim of the mainstream media is to “limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.”(7)

Endless stories about political manoeuvres; who is saying what about whom; and the character of politicians, are not real news. They are peripheral issues and distractions that create the illusion of having in-depth debates in order to avoid talking about the most important issues.

As well as ignoring or limiting the discussions of some topics, the media will exaggerate the importance of other issues. A clear example is the allegation that Russia manipulated the 2016 US election, which was repeated endlessly in the US media.(8) The evidence for this manipulation was extremely weak, and if there was any Russian manipulation, the effect was negligible. On the other hand, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and other US organisations, have interfered in 81 foreign elections since 1950.(9) They manipulate elections abroad more than everyone else put together. This is well documented, but the mainstream US and British media never discuss this.

Sometimes the media do mention specific instances of wrongdoing, but in general this will be presented as individuals operating outside the system. There will be little criticism of the system itself. For example, when corporations appear in the news having committed serious fraud, the focus is usually on a single corporation, with little attempt to explain that they have been carrying out activities similar to many other big corporations, and that much of the corporate system now involves criminal, fraudulent, or unethical activity. Similarly, when torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq was discussed, the focus was on the low-ranking individuals who were involved.(10) There was little effort to blame the top-level planners who created the policies, and to insist that they should have been prosecuted.


The Mysterious Case of Right and Left-Wing Bias 

These posts describe the media as having pro-establishment, pro-war, pro-corporate or right-wing bias. However, the media is often accused (particularly by the government) of having anti-government or left-wing bias. This is partly explained by governments trying to deflect attention from their crimes, but there are other explanations for this apparent contradiction. Many journalists claim that if they are receiving equal numbers of accusations of left-wing and right-wing bias, they must actually be somewhere in the middle, and the accusations actually reflect the bias of the accuser. This is not true. The terms right-wing and left-wing are being used to mean different things. Most journalists are middle-class white people who tend to favour freedom for individuals on personal matters. The media therefore have a left-wing bias on cultural issues, such as gay marriage. However, those who accuse the media of right-wing bias are talking about foreign and economic policy. The media is uncritical of Britain and the US invading other countries, and uncritical of corporate power, so they have a right-wing bias on these issues.


The Mainstream Media Are Not Unbiased or Impartial 

There are many sources of bias. Most information that supports the US or British governments gets presented without question – it is assumed to be unbiased. This was the case with government propaganda stating that the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, had Weapons of Mass Destruction before the Iraq war, which was not true. On the other hand, if someone criticises the government, they are assumed to be biased, so a government spokesperson is invited to appear on TV to oppose that point of view.

Broadcasters claim that they are providing unbiased coverage if they present the viewpoints of both Republicans and Democrats in the US, or if they present both Conservative and Labour viewpoints in Britain. But prior to Jeremy Corbyn becoming leader of the Labour Party in 2015, there was often little difference between the two parties in either country on the most important issues, particularly war or corporate power. To genuinely present a balanced discussion, broadcasters would have to invite people saying ‘destroying a nation is a crime, we should not go to war’ onto their shows regularly. If our media were honest, the mainstream government view, which is that the US and Britain have the right to invade or destroy other nations when they pose no threat to us, would be considered insane.

Media coverage in both Britain and the US has been analysed in detail after various wars. The vast majority is pro-war. Only a few voices are critical, and even then only in narrow ways, such as “we did not plan the war carefully enough” or “we did not send enough troops”.(11) There is almost no questioning of the government’s actual motivation – it is always assumed to be good. In one academic study of war reporting, it was found that the BBC was actually more biased in favor of war than any of the other TV stations analysed, including one from the US. Only 2% of the BBC’s coverage was strongly anti-war.(12)

War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda

A similar study in the US found that only 3% of US guests on news programs were anti-war.(13) In Britain and the US, the mainstream media promote US-led wars almost unquestioningly. In relation to the invasion of Iraq, most newspapers and TV channels portrayed US President Bush and British Prime Minister Blair as wonderful leaders trying to help other nations achieve democracy, when the evidence overwhelmingly contradicted this.(14) If Russia had destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, the media would (correctly) be saying how outrageous these crimes are, and demanding that the leaders responsible be prosecuted.


The Death of Critical Journalism 

Quite a few British and US journalists realised in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq that they had been used by their governments to transmit propaganda. Mainstream US news channels did eventually concede that they should have been more questioning about the invasion. Some are now on the record as saying that they have been unable to report the truth during military actions due to the system of government-controlled propaganda and embedded journalists (these are journalists who can be controlled because they travel with the soldiers). A leading war reporter, Christiane Amanpour, stated that her network, CNN, was muzzled (censored) by the US government, and that it also “self-muzzled”.(15)

Some journalists claimed that they would be more critical and questioning after Iraq, but in fact they have become even less critical.(16) Journalists in Australia stated that since 2001 there has been more and more censorship,(17) and that the general public has no idea what is really going on. By the time of the US and British bombing and destruction of Libya in 2011, there was almost no criticism from the mainstream media.

We discussed in the previous post how senior BBC staff were fired after receiving flak from the government over the 2003 Iraq war. This led to a decrease (from already low levels) in media criticism. In 2013, computers at the Guardian newspaper were destroyed by the security services(18) because the Guardian had participated in the revelations of whistleblower Edward Snowden, which showed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was spying on everyone through their phones and computers. The destruction of the computers was just for show, as all the data was backed up on computers elsewhere. However, since then, the mainstream media in Britain and the US have been extremely compliant. The Australian government has also cracked down on accurate reporting of its war-crimes and spying activities, by raiding the homes of journalists and the headquarters of the broadcaster ABC.(19)

One of the few TV stations to portray the darker side of US power has been Al-Jazeera, based in Qatar. Its war reporting has consistently tried much harder to show the horrors of war and to show US war crimes for what they are. For this reason, the Al-Jazeera studios in Kabul were bombed by US forces.(20)

Since 2006, the most important source of accurate news has been the website, Wikileaks, set up by Julian Assange. It publishes evidence from whistleblowers, and makes all the evidence available for everyone to examine, without journalists or politicians applying their heavily-distorted interpretation. The documents that have been sent to Wikileaks include 91,000 US military reports for the War in Afghanistan, and 490,000 reports for the war in Iraq. These have been described as the “most finely detailed history of war that has ever been disclosed. Precise times, locations, kill counts.”(21) Wikileaks analysed these documents and showed that the total number of violent deaths in Afghanistan due to US action was hundreds of thousands of people.(22) This information has been extremely embarrassing for the US and British governments, who prefer to be able to commit their war crimes in secret. For this reason they (together with the Swedish government) have been persecuting Julian since 2010. The United Nations expert on torture, Nils Melzer, has described Julian’s treatment as torture.(23) The purpose of persecuting him is to send a message to all other journalists and whistleblowers that if they expose the crimes of the US government, it doesn’t matter where they live or work, it doesn’t matter where they are from, the US government will persecute them too.(24)  


The Mainstream Media is the Real Fake News 

A recent development is ‘Fake News’. This is an attempt by the mainstream to pretend that what they write is honest journalism, and that the critical voices on the internet are themselves just propaganda outlets. The internet carries every perspective imaginable, some of it bizarre, some of it no better than the mainstream, and much of it replicates the mainstream. However, if you can work out where to look and who to read, most of the best reporting on serious issues is now on critical, non-mainstream, websites.


Look at the Evidence 

When the ideas in these posts are discussed with mainstream journalists, their first response tends to be ‘that’s just your opinion’. But the world is not just made up of opinions. There is such a thing as evidence, which can be used to assess the accuracy and truthfulness of an opinion. Many mainstream media statements are evidence-free. They are copies of what politicians and corporate leaders have said. Evidence which contradicts those statements is mostly ignoredDespite the huge amount of detail about US and British crimes and atrocities in declassified government documents, and in Wikileaks’ documents, the mainstream media in Britain and the US still fail to seriously challenge US-led wars.


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This article was first posted at medium.com/elephantsintheroom

Rod Driver is a part-time academic who is particularly interested in de-bunking modern-day US and British propaganda. This is the twelfth in a series entitled Elephants In The Room, which attempts to provide a beginners guide to understanding what’s really going on in relation to war, terrorism, economics and poverty, without the nonsense in the mainstream media.



1) John Pilger, ‘The Hidden Power of the Media’, 1.40, at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv7a-B15R28

Transcript at http://pubs.socialistreviewindex.org.uk/sr200/pilger.htm

2) Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Foreward, 1946 edition

3) Irish Times, ‘Maduro faces new wave of criticism as term begins in Venezuela’, 10 Jan 2019, at https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/maduro-faces-new-wave-of-criticism-as-term-begins-in-venezuela-1.3754029 

4) Kara Bryan, ‘Oil and ideology: the truth behind US interest in Venezuela’, Counterfire, 23 Feb 2019, at https://www.counterfire.org/articles/analysis/20171-oil-and-ideology-the-truth-behind-us-interest-in-venezuela 

5) Pat Arnow, ‘From Self-censorship to Official Censorship: Ban on images of wounded GIs raises no media objections’, 1 April 2007, at https://fair.org/extra/from-self-censorship-to-official-censorship/

6) David Cromwell and David Edwards, ‘A Warning From Auschwitz: How Do You Shoot Babies?’,16 Mar 2005, at https://www.medialens.org/2005/a-warning-from-auschwitz/

Exact quote is “journalists who reflexively reinforce an authorised, manichean view of the world – a world made up of humanitarian interventionists (us) and monster states (them) – are vital cogs in the machinery of state killing.” 

7) Noam Chomsky, The Common Good, Odonian Press, 1998

8) Craig Murray, ‘In the world of truth and fact, Russiagate is dead. In the world of the political establishment, it is still the new 42’, 4 Aug 2019, at https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2019/08/in-the-world-of-truth-and-fact-russiagate-is-dead-in-the-world-of-the-political-establishment-it-is-still-the-new-42/

9) Julian Assange, ‘Full Interview: Julian Assange on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, The CIA, Vault 7 & More’, Democracy Now!, 12 April 2017, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpXbgx4hnlc

10) Eric Schmitt, ‘Abu Ghraib Officer to Face Charges’, New York Times, 25 Apr 2006, at https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/25/us/abu-ghraib-officer-to-face-charges.html 

11) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_Iraq_War

12) David Miller, ‘Taking Sides’, 22 Apr 2003, The Guardian, at https://www.theguardian.com/media/2003/apr/22/iraqandthemedia.politicsandthemedia 

13) ‘Amplifying Officials, Squelching Dissent’, May/June2003, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, at https://fair.org/extra/amplifying-officials-squelching-dissent/ 

14) Cardiff University study, discussed in ‘BBC was most pro-war of British Networks’, July 10, 2003, at www.wsws.org/articles/2003/jul2003/bbc-j10.shtml 

George Monbiot, ‘Greasing Up To Power’, July 13, 2004, at  www.monbiot.com/archives/2004/07/13/greasing-up-to-power

Edwards and Cromwell, Guardians of Power, 2006, p.96

15) ‘Amanpour: CNN Practiced Self-Censorship’, Sept 14, 2003, at www.usatoday.com/life/columnist/mediamix/2003-09-14-media-mix_x.htm

16) Justin Lewis et al, ‘The Quality and Independence of British Journalism: Tracking the changes over 20 years’, Cardiff University, 2008, at https://orca.cf.ac.uk/18439/1/Quality%20%26%20Independence%20of%20British%20Journalism.pdf

17) Scott Ludlam and David Paris, ‘Breaking: A report on the erosion of press freedom in Australia’, Digital Rights Watch, Sep 2019, at https://digitalrightswatch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2701-PressFreedom_Report_digital.pdf

18) Julian Borger, ‘NSA files: why the Guardian in London destroyed hard drives of leaked files’, 20 Aug 2013, The Guardian, at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/20/nsa-snowden-files-drives-destroyed-london 

19) David Millikin, ‘Australian police drop probe of reporter, whistleblower’, Agence France-Presse, 27 May 2020, at https://www.barrons.com/news/australian-police-drop-probe-of-reporter-whistleblower-01590559804 

20) ‘Bombing Al-Jazeera Was Not A Joke’, Nov 29,2005, at https://newswatch.write2kill.in/news/2005/11/29/bombing-al-jazeera-was-not-a-joke

21) ‘Julian Assange in Conversation with John Pilger’, 32:20 – 33:47, at  http://johnpilger.com/videos/julian-assange-in-conversation-with-john-pilger

22) ‘Julian Assange in Conversation with John Pilger’, 33:47, at  http://johnpilger.com/videos/julian-assange-in-conversation-with-john-pilger

23) Nils Melzer, ‘A murderous system is being created before our eyes’, interview by Daniel Ryser, Republik, 31 Jan 2020, at https://www.republik.ch/2020/01/31/nils-melzer-about-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange 

24) Rod Driver, ‘The incredible stitch-up of Julian Assange’, Znet, 3 July 2020, at https://zcomm.org/znetarticle/the-incredible-stitch-up-of-julian-assange/


Fake News: "Fake Realities" and "Lying by Omission"18 April 2018In "Archives"

War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda5 December 2014In "English"

Selected Articles: Censorship, Propaganda, and Economic Collapse27 September 2015In "English"

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Rod Driver, Global Research, 2021



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توجه: انتخاب و انتشار این مطلب صرفا جهت اطلاع رسانی می باشد و بمعنی موافقت با تمام گزاره ها و پیام های صریح یا غیرمستقیم آن نمی باشد.

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مقاله زیر که توسط اندیشکده فارن پالیسی آمریکا منتشر شده بیانگر اهمیت معاهده ایران-عربستان و همچنین اتحاد ایران، چین و روسیه و نگرانی غرب از این موضوع می باشد.





The Real Motivation Behind Iran’s Deal With Saudi Arabia

The agreement is about far more than just normalizing ties with Riyadh.

By Saeid Golkar, a senior fellow at the Tony Blair Institute and an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and Kasra Aarabi, the Iran program lead at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

APRIL 6, 2023, 1:55 PM


The China-brokered agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia announced last month generated huge buzz, with some observers going as far as proclaiming it a victory for international security.


But much of the analysis has missed a key point: For Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the deal is about far more than normalizing ties with the Saudi government in Riyadh. Instead, it is about further facilitating, along with China and Russia, the rise of a new anti-Western global order and excluding the United States from a new regional arrangement.


Indeed, from the view of Khamenei and the IRGC, restoring ties with Saudi Arabia is the least important aspect of the deal. What’s most important is that it’s one more milestone toward achieving the regime’s grand ambitions—this time with powerful friends. The 83-year-old supreme leader, like his predecessor, believes a clash of civilizations has long existed between the so-called Islamic world and the West. The long-term project of the Islamic Revolution has been to restore an Islamic civilization, with Iran’s Shiite Islamists at the helm.


In the modern era, the United States and the liberal international order it leads have always been seen as the ultimate obstacle—the Great Satan—standing in the way of achieving that goal. And for the Islamic Republic’s 44 years of existence, the regime has concentrated all its resources on shaking the very core of the West’s legitimacy. In recent years, this aim has come to bind Khamenei with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping—each unlikely bedfellows.


Whether or not China and Russia are fully invested in this ideological troika, it is clear Iran’s regime is all in. Khamenei sees an Islamic civilization led by Iran, a Russo-Slavic civilization led by Russia, and a Confucius-communist civilization led by China all at war with Western civilization—and he thinks now is the best chance they’ve had in decades to uproot the West.


Khamenei’s close circle and the IRGC genuinely believe the U.S.-led liberal world order is collapsing and a new anti-Western order led by China, Russia, and Iran is taking shape. As recent as November 2022, Khamenei outlined a vision of a new order based on “the isolation of the United States, the transfer of power to Asia, [and] the expansion of the [anti-West] resistance front” led by the Islamic Republic.


This is the lens through which Khamenei supports Putin’s war in Ukraine—and why he has gone all in on providing military support to Russia. It’s also how Tehran views the China-brokered Iran-Saudi deal. Hard-line regime officials in Iran have confirmed this. After the deal was signed, Yahya Rahim Safavi, senior IRGC commander and military advisor to Khamenei, asserted that the post-U.S. era in the region has begun and the deal was “China’s second biggest blow to the U.S.”


The deal’s lack of substance is not a concern to the Islamic Republic. Of course, regime propagandists are in selling mode, promoting the deal as a declaration of peace and an opportunity to apply pressure to remove sanctions on Khamenei’s regime.


In reality, however, the two states have simply agreed to restore diplomatic relations in the coming months, after Riyadh severed ties in January 2016 following the ransacking of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran by the IRGC’s paramilitary forces. From the view of Khamenei and the IRGC, the return to the pre-2016 status quo is another reason to proclaim victory as they believe it preserves their regional dominance with virtually no cost.


As far as the IRGC is concerned, there will be no practical change to its strategy, militancy, or support for its proxies and militia groups. Vehement hostility towards Saudi Arabia is ingrained in the IRGC’s ideology, with anti-Saudi doctrines that portray the Saudi royal family as “apostates” with “Jewish origins” incorporated into the IRGC’s formal program of indoctrination.


Riyadh is fully aware of this—it knows the true identity and motivations of the IRGC beyond the smiling face of Ali Shamkhani (Tehran’s lead negotiator). However, for the Saudis, the deal is very simply understood. It gives them the ability to pursue their primary goals, which are about building the economic strength of their country and carrying forward the social reforms sweeping the country under the leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, with what they will see as enhanced protection against Iranian direct or proxy attack. But they will likely have few illusions about the dependability of any Iran regime commitments or the durability of the agreement.


Against this backdrop, the excitement the China-brokered deal has generated about a lasting peace in Yemen is overstretched. At best, in the very short term, the IRGC will tactically delay its militancy against its lesser enemy, Saudi Arabia, to dedicate more attention to expelling its greater enemy, the United States, from the Middle East—and thus finalizing the collapse of the U.S.-led order, in its view.


If anything, in the long run, the IRGC likely hopes the China-brokered deal will actually advance its militia doctrine and reinforce its strategy of plausible deniability for attacks waged by the Houthis against Riyadh. In other words, the deal strengthens the IRGC’s ability to claim it has “no control” over Houthi operations, despite being their main backer.


In fact, at the regional level, Khamenei’s regime is focused on using the China-brokered agreement to disrupt rather than facilitate peace—namely, sabotaging the U.S.-negotiated Abraham Accords. The IRGC has spent the past two years working tirelessly to prevent more Arab states from normalizing ties with Israel, which it refers to as a “cancerous tumor” that must be eradicated.


The Iranian regime believes the China-brokered deal kills two birds with one stone in this regard, by delaying more Arab states joining the Abraham Accords and undermining the value of the United States in the Middle East.


But here’s why all of this presents a major security challenge to the West, its allies, and the international system more broadly: If Khamenei and the IRGC believe a new world order is emerging, they’ll be intent on speeding up the collapse of the U.S.-led one. This may increase anti-Western escalations, recklessness, and strategic errors on their part, including on the nuclear and terrorism files. Their military support for Putin suggests it already has—and more worrying developments are already in the making.


The most immediate and pressing concern should be the expansion of military cooperation among Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran—which is geared toward undercutting the U.S.-led world order. Less than a week after the China-brokered deal was announced, China, Iran, and Russia undertook joint naval drills across the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Oman.


And although Xi will likely be reluctant to advance more provocative military ties with Khamenei, the same cannot be said of Putin. In the coming months and years, we will likely see closer on-the-ground cooperation between Tehran and Moscow beyond simply Ukraine. Given that both Khamenei and Putin have sought to use sub-Saharan Africa as a battleground to target Western interests, the possibility of IRGC Quds Force-Wagner Group coordination on the African continent is no longer far-fetched.


This would significantly alter the security dynamic in what is already regarded as the new hotbed of terrorism. A worst-case scenario could result in Moscow and Tehran coordinating non-state actor attacks against Western interests worldwide, with enough plausible deniability to avoid any consequences.


Beyond the military realm, the China-brokered Iran-Saudi deal has emboldened Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran’s shared ambitions to replace U.S.-oriented transnational entities and agreements with their own, such as by establishing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or replacing the U.S. dollar with the Chinese yuan and Russian ruble—a trend they will collectively push to expand.


Tehran itself has also been busy increasing its efforts to forge closer alliances with states it regards as part of this emerging anti-Western axis. Khamenei’s recent statements during a meeting with Belarusian President Alexandr Lukashenko revealed how the Islamic Republic wants to lead efforts to undermine U.S. sanctions globally, with the supreme leader calling for a “joint assembly” of countries sanctioned by the West.


The IRGC has already cultivated a network of illicit financing routes across the globe, not least in South America, with reports revealing how Tehran evades U.S. and European oil sanctions and smuggles gold to and from Venezuela. The recent resurgence of the anti-U.S. left in South America has once again provided Khamenei’s regime the scope to expand its network on the continent beyond simply Venezuela—an opportunity the aging ayatollah has not wasted.


So although the China-brokered Iran-Saudi deal may at first glance seem like a positive step for regional stability and international security, a closer assessment of Khamenei and the IRGC’s motivations reveals a different reality. They are using it to inflict harm on the West, Arab-Israeli peace efforts, and the U.S.-led liberal international order. If there were any previous doubts, the deal confirms that a U.S. withdrawal from the region will create a vacuum that will be gradually filled by the anti-Western axis.


Contrary to what the isolationists say, the United States withdrawing from the Middle East won’t make problems disappear; it will in fact further undermine international security by empowering and enabling the very forces that are intent on challenging the liberal world order. The Biden administration has demonstrated with Ukraine how it can build and maintain coalitions of support with great skill. It now needs to do the same in the Middle East.


Saeid Golkar is a senior fellow at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Service at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.


Kasra Aarabi is the Iran program lead at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. He is also a nonresident scholar at the Middle East Institute and is undertaking a Ph.D. at the University of St. Andrews, where his research focuses on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Twitter: @KasraAarabi






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توجه: انتخاب و انتشار این مطلب صرفا جهت اطلاع رسانی می باشد و بمعنی موافقت با تمام گزاره ها و پیام های صریح یا غیرمستقیم آن نمی باشد.





How the Super-Rich Destroy Our Minds

This war against the citizens of the Earth are technology, propaganda and disinformation campaigns

By Emanuel Pastreich

Global Research, February 06, 2023




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Corporations, multinational investment banks, and the super-rich that hide behind them have launched the final stage this year of a ruthless war of a tiny few against the great majority of humanity.


Although they pay off their puppets in the media to float happy tales of some happy resolution to the dire situation of the moment, they already know that the die is cast, that they are committed to a strategy of distracting, seeding division, undermining rational

thinking and using a combination of blatant intimidation with open bribery to slowly, systematically, overpower and reduce to slavery 99.98% of the Earth’s population.


They know already, according to the calculations of their supercomputers, what will happen if they are not successful in this plan. They also know that catastrophic climate change and biodiversity loss will make it impossible for them to monopolize the wealth and the resources for long.


There is literally no limit to how far they will go.


The tools they use to pursue this war against the citizens of the Earth are technology, propaganda and disinformation campaigns, threats against individuals who display leadership skills and massive bribes for the leaders who are allowed to be covered in the media to represent the conservative and the progressive causes.


They also employ as part of this strategy an intimate knowledge of certain key weaknesses in the brain, and the potential for exploiting the human inclination to determine truth based

on a vague sense of the mood of the herd, rather than logic. That is to say they are investing billions in hidden money to systematically create social pressure that makes citizens conform with pointless mandates for masks or vaccines that are launched from diverse platforms as a means of inducing the population to police itself.


Without such a strategy, the super-rich could not possibly seize control of the entire Earth.| 2

There has been extensive research by corporations, and by the CIA and Department of Defense (government organizations exploited to hide the true entities demanding such

research) into how humans can be manipulated without their knowledge, and compelled through imperceptible persuasion to permit, or even aid, their own disenfranchisement

without us even being aware of this silent and invisible takeover.


Such operations have been undertaken before, but never on this global scale. New developments in super-computing and the global integration of, and deregulation of, finance, has made such a master plan possible for the first time.


Recent developments are best viewed as the final acceleration of a process by which corporations bribed and lobbied all authority figures in government and academics to go along with a process of privatization, commercialization, and automation that now meansthat a tiny handful of people can control every aspect of human experience in an absolutesense while the vast majority of citizens cannot even conceive of what is taking place.


We have not reached that state yet, but Elon Musk, Bill Gates and others believe, based on the calculations of supercomputers, that it is now possible.


The super-rich has also invested wisely in the establishment of a panoply of sham activists, or toothless, “feel good, do nothing” NGOs.


These “movements” are allowed to appear in the corporate-controlled media, and they pretend to respond to corporate power, but they purposely discourage citizens from organizing themselves (they ask only for donations, or attendance at protests, but they pointedly do not empower people to form their own groups or achieve financial and ideological independence).


Such NGOs are silent about the mass manipulation of the media and of politics by globalfinance—even though that is the primary cause of the political problems we face.


If we follow the current trajectory, there will not be a single part of our lives that is completely controlled by a multinational corporation in the next few years.


We do not have that long to act.


The push for mandatory COVID-19 “vaccines” in the face of the overwhelming scientificevidence against them is not a matter of mistaken science or bad policy. It is rather a process of preparing government officials, doctors, reporters, and other media figures to follow orders from above that have no rational basis.


After this “softening-up process,” which is carefully calibrated on the basis of secret CIA torture programs designed to test the weaknesses of the human psyche, a rougher and more brutal form of the rule can be implemented.


The mask mandate was the first step in the implementation of this form of massive psychological warfare. It is, to use the technical term, a slow “rape of the mind.”


The enormous restructuring of governance and the economy described by the World Economic Forum as the “Great Reset” is not a secret and anyone who takes the time to read that book, and related documents, can figure out about 70% of what is their agenda is.| 3


The citizen will be convinced that he or she operates within a functional country and that there is some process by which the politicians at the top take actions on their behalf. But

the super-rich cares nothing for nation-states and their populations and they use politicians to deflect attention away from themselves. Every time a politician takes a fall, it is to

distract you from the predations of the rich. Every attack on minorities is a trick to get you hooked on race and diversity and distracted from the concentration of wealth.


We are increasingly subject to the whims of unaccountable global powers, and the[y] intentionally render us passive, open to persuasion, and therefore incapable of resistance,

by the media that is controlled by those powers.


The super-rich relies on two approaches to psychological manipulation that go back to the 1930s and before but have been perfected by recent research.


The first technique is the use of traumatic events that are reported on in a sensationalist and unscientific manner in the media so as to induce a deep sense of shock, disorientation

and confusion in the population as a whole. The mental trauma of such events, whether the 9.11 incident, or the hyped-up COVID-19 crisis, or the “armed insurrection” at the Capitol, is used to induce passivity and receptivity to profound institutional shifts that would otherwisebe impossible.


Naomi Klein describes this approach as the “shock doctrine” and although she hesitates to delve too deeply into the degree to which it has become national policy, she accurately traces the approach back to the torture programs designed to test the limits of the human psyche.


Such trauma affects the reactive and emotional part of the human brain known as the amygdala, bringing on a “fight or flight” response in the psyche that overrides the rational, integrative, response to external events that would be carried out by the prefrontal cortex in normal conditions.


Because we as individuals, and as populations, are unaware of how the amygdala has taken over decision making from the prefrontal cortex because of these engineered shocks, we

are unable to organize, or even conceive of, a response to the real threat.

Instead, we focus on the cooked-up threats offered to us by the commercial media like Islamic terrorism in the case of 9.11 or the spread of a dangerous virus in the case of the COVID-19 operation.


The second strategy is to induce a hypnotic state in the brain of the individual, and the population as a whole, through the constant repetition of certain themes and images

through advertisements, commercials, images, and themes articulated in movies, TV shows, reporting, and even the packaging of products.| 4


The stimulation alternates between the intentionally boring and distracting images and direct appeals to the pleasure centers of the brain such as the desire for food, for sexual arousal, or for pleasant experiences.


The advertisements promoting the enjoyment of food and encouraging low-level sexual arousal are not only, or even primarily, aimed at selling products. They are intended to

induce a state of passivity in the population.


The CIA explains the process, “Hypnosis is basically a technique which permits acquisition of direct access to the

sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers, and lower cerebral (emotional) portions of the right side of the brain following successful disengagement of the stimulus screening function of the left hemisphere of the brain.

The right hemisphere which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and patternoriented component of the brain, appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredom or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli

to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged into the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted on directly.” (FOIA document “Analysis

and Assessment of Gateway Process” June 9, 1983 (US Army Intelligence and Security Command). (CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5).


The scale of this experiment in mass hypnosis to render the citizens of all the world passive, and unable to resist persuasion from authority figures is unprecedented. This process is

being undertaken slowly, over months and years, following complex algorithms that are kept secret.


It is critical in this process that individuals be isolated from each other, unable to communicate except through mediums controlled by multinational corporations, and that| 5

they be offered only ineffective and superficial organizations to join organizations in which they will be incapable of participating in the decision-making process, or of effecting change. Quarantine, lockdowns, social distancing, and the promotion of a narcissistic consumption culture are critical to that process.


The result is that the citizens of the United States, and around the world, are being reduced to consumers of products supplied by multinational corporations who cannot even conceive

of how the world has been radically transformed in this Great Reset.


They are being rendered passive and unresponsive so that the super-rich can quickly seize complete control of the systems by which countries are governed, by which money and

finance are determined, the media by which information is distributed, the universities and research institutes by which authoritative perspectives backed by science are presented,

the farms and distribution systems by which food is provided, the aquafers and irritation systems by which water is provided, and every other aspect of human experience.


When we awake from this slumber, if we ever do, we will discover that every aspect of our

lives is controlled by unaccountable powers which we cannot understand, which we have no

way to challenge and which will increase slowly and systematically the means by which we

are made slaves, and, if necessary, destroyed.


This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the

Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Emanuel Pastreich, Global Research, 2023







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