اندیشه ها و نکاتی برای ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

هدف از ایجاد این وبلاگ نشر راهکار ها و اندیشه هایی است برای افزایش آگاهی و بصیرت سیاسی و ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

اندیشه ها و نکاتی برای ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

هدف از ایجاد این وبلاگ نشر راهکار ها و اندیشه هایی است برای افزایش آگاهی و بصیرت سیاسی و ایجاد عدالت و صلح و ثبات در جهان

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Iran and the United states» ثبت شده است

What If Iran Had Invaded Mexico? by Noam Chomsky

اکبر فیجانی | شنبه, ۱۳ مرداد ۱۴۰۳، ۱۱:۰۲ ق.ظ




What If Iran Had Invaded Mexico? Putting the Iran Crisis in Context
By Noam Chomsky








The results of an attack on Iran could be horrendous. After all, according to a recent study of "the Iraq effect" by terrorism specialists Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank, using government and Rand Corporation data, the Iraq invasion has already led to a seven-fold increase in terror. The "Iran effect" would probably be far more severe and long-lasting.

British military historian Corelli Barnett speaks for many when he warns that "an attack on Iran would effectively launch World War III."


The most effective barrier to a White House decision to launch a war is the kind of organized popular opposition that frightened the political-military leadership enough in 1968 that they were reluctant to send more troops to Vietnam -- fearing, we learned from the Pentagon Papers, that they might need them for civil-disorder control.


How we would act if Iran had invaded and occupied Canada and Mexico and was arresting U.S. government representatives there on the grounds that they were resisting the Iranian occupation (called "liberation," of course).

Imagine as well that Iran was deploying massive naval forces in the Caribbean and issuing credible threats to launch a wave of attacks against a vast range of sites -- nuclear and otherwise -- in the United States, if the U.S. government did not immediately terminate all its nuclear energy programs (and, naturally, dismantle all its nuclear weapons).

Suppose that all of this happened after Iran had overthrown the government of the U.S. and installed a vicious tyrant (as the US did to Iran in 1953), then later supported a Russian invasion of the U.S. that killed millions of people (just as the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Iran in 1980, killing hundreds of thousands of Iranians, a figure comparable to millions of Americans).

Would we watch quietly?

  • اکبر فیجانی